Saturday, January 25, 2020
Spelen De spelontwikkeling
Spelen De spelontwikkeling De spelontwikkeling De spelontwikkeling is belangrijk bij de ontwikkeling van de kleuter. Spelen is het onderzoeken en ontdekken, het leren kennen van de wereld op een manier die het kind zelf kiest. Het bepaalt wat het wil doen en hoe. Het kind met een normale ontwikkeling kan materiaal manipuleren, een betekenis geven eraan, een fantasiespel beleven, Waarom en hoe? Onder dit hoofdstuk wil ik graag beschrijven waarom spelen zo belangrijk is en hoe het spelen dan wel verloopt bij kleuters. Er is ook steeds een stukje voorzien dat het spelen bij kleuters met autisme beschrijft en de problemen hierbij. Mogelijke oplossingen komen aan bod in het praktijkgedeelte. Tijdens het spel leert het kind zichzelf, materiaal en de omgeving kennen. Spelen helpt het kind verder evolueren op verschillende vlakken. Door spelen wordt de cognitie van het kind gestimuleerd. Dit wil ik graag even toelichten vanuit enkele voorbeelden. Als we nu vb. winkeltje spelen nader bekijken, zien we dat kinderen voortdurend bezig zijn met het nabootsen van situaties uit het dagelijks leven van volwassenen. Ze leren het materiaal kennen in hun winkel en worden gestimuleerd in hun taalontwikkeling. Ze geven namen aan de voorwerpen uit de winkel en hun denken wordt steeds complexer. Zo weet het kind op den duur dat wanneer je iets koopt dat je daarvoor geld moet in de plaats geven. Nog later wordt er zelfs een bepaalde hoeveelheid aan een voorwerp toegekend. Een ander voorbeeld is moedertje spelen. Het kind leert waarvoor voorwerpen dienen zoals een fopspeen, papfles, luier e.d. en leert de voorwerpen ook op een juiste manier manipuleren. Kinderen die vb. een speelgoedstofzuiger hebben thuis leren die ook gebruiken voor de juiste handelingen. Opmerkelijk hierbij is wanneer oudere kleuters door hebben dat bepaald speelgoed niet voldoet aan de werkelijkheid. Vbn. hierbij: een auto waarbij de deurtjes niet open kunnen, een pop waarvan de benen niet kunnen plooien of een brandweerman waarbij de hoed ontbreekt. Kinderen met autisme kunnen op deze foutjes sterk gefixeerd worden en zo heel wat stress ondervinden. Het kind met autisme die dan ook nog eens een type 2-kind is, kan heel wat moeite ondervinden met het benoemen van speelgoed of het herkennen ervan. Soms weten ze niet waarvoor iets dient of wat ze ermee kunnen doen. Ze kunnen zich moeilijker bezig houden met het materiaal. Op die manier wordt de cognitie ook niet of weinig gestimuleerd en leert het kind geen verbanden leggen. Dit kan erg nadelig worden naar de zelfstandigheid toe in de toekomst. Bij het spel wordt ook de motoriek verbeterd. Het kind moet zich verplaats om iets te grijpen, het springt, loopt, manipuleert, kleurt, . zowel fijne, grove als gerichte motoriek worden gestimuleerd. Geà ¯llustreerd met enkele voorbeelden zoals juffrouw spelen en garagist zien we dat het kind veel in beweging is. Het deelt boekjes en potloden uit of rijdt met autootjes rond. De juf zal op het bord iets schrijven (grove kleutertekening) en de garagist zal zijn autos mooi parkeren in de garage. Het kind leert doegericht te bewegen om autos te nemen en mooi te plaatsen waar het wil. Het voorbereidend schrijven kan deels geoefend worden door het eerste voorbeeld. Net zoals bij de stimulatie van de cognitie zien we ook bij de motoriek dat het kind met autisme geremd wordt. Het doelbewust bewegen verloopt niet vlot of levert weinig resultaat op. Het kind weet niet goed wat te doen of weet met zichzelf geen houding te nemen. Daarbij komt dat er veel kleuters met autisme zijn die ook een motorische beperking hebben. Naast de voorgaande worden ook heel wat sociale vaardigheden geoefend tijdens het spel. Het kind leert vriendjes in het spel betrekken, het leert met andere woorden samen spelen. Het kind moet materiaal gaan delen of leert vragen naar speelgoed. Het leert vriendjes maken, leert fair zijn tegenover andere kinderen, communicatie wordt geoefend en het kind leert zichzelf uiten tegenover anderen. Onder communicatie kunnen we het taalbegrip situeren, maar ook het durven aanspreken van anderen, de mimiek en andere lichaamstaal. De kleuter leert het aangeleerd gewenst gedrag stellen tegenover andere kleuters. Ook op dit punt kunnen we enkele zaken opmerken bij de kleuter met autisme. De sociale vaardigheden laten vaak te wensen over. Het kind is niet in staat om op een normale manier contact te maken. Het weet zich niet op een gepaste manier te gedragen. Soms blijft de spraak ook uit, wat het allemaal nog moeilijker maakt. Het kind kijkt een ander bijna niet aan, kan zich moeilijk verplaatsen in wat die andere wil en kan zichzelf moeilijk duidelijk maken. Het contact nemen verloopt niet spontaan en is eerder aangeleerd of gekopieerd van volwassenen en andere kinderen. Naast deze punten is het fantasiespel noodzakelijk voor de ontwikkeling van het probleemoplossend vermogen. Ik gebruik het woord noodzakelijk a.d.h.v. volgende veelzeggende voorbeelden. Willen we nu even de foutjes van bij de cognitieve stimulatie nemen, dan merken we op dat het kind met een normale ontwikkeling deze gemakkelijk oplost. Het beeld zich in dat de deurtjes van de wagen wà ©l open gaan en dat er passagiers instappen, het denkt zelf een hoed op de brandweerman of verzint er een verhaaltje bij over een erge wind waardoor de brandweerman zijn hoed verloren is. Deze aspecten zijn helemaal niet storend voor het kind met een normale ontwikkeling. Het kan deze tekortkomingen gemakkelijk oplossen met wat fantasie. Deze fantasie is ook bij de meeste spelletjes aanwezig. Vb. postbode spelen, het kind verplaatst zich in de postbode en gebruikt een creatieve manier van denken om het spel in gang te steken. Het gebruikt papiertjes en krabbelt er wat op om brieven te hebben, het pla kt er stickers op als postzegels en stempelt met een stempel van op papas werk. Een ander voorbeeld is wanneer het kind het spel van garagist projecteert naar zichzelf. Het kind wordt zelf de garagist en speelt niet met een figuurtjes met deze rol. De driewieler wordt een splinternieuwe auto of een supersnelle moto. Het voorstellingsvermogen werkt voortdurend. Bij het kind met autisme verloopt dit echter terug heel wat moeilijker. Het kind beschikt niet over dit probleemoplossend vermogen en kan zo geen spel starten. Het botst op problemen die het niet weet op te lossen. Het kind lijkt steeds naar een uiterste toe te gaan. Enerzijds merken we kleuters op die geen rol van een ander op zich kunnen nemen. Ze kunnen zich als het ware niet inleven in die andere persoon. Ze weten niet hoe die denkt of kan denken en wat de andere voelt. Anderzijds zijn er ook kinderen die in het fantasiespel niet kunnen begrenzen. Ze verplaatsen zich in een ander maar nemen dit zo sterk op dat ze er zelf in gaan geloven en kunnen op die manier moeilijk terug afstand van die rol nemen. Spelen is ook goed voor de zelfontplooiing. De kleuter legt onbewust de eigen ervaringen in het spel, het speelt vb. een situatie uit de klas na. Het kind kan vb. straf gekregen hebben van de juf omdat het fout gedrag stelde en geeft dan in het spel ook straf aan een kind. Het is natuurlijk mogelijk dat de jonge kleuter nog niet goed beseft of gewoon niet meer weet waarom het straf geeft. Dit ontwikkeld zich meer naarmate de kleuter ouder wordt. Spelen is dus belangrijk bij de verwerking van dingen. Daarnaast wordt de persoonlijkheidsontwikkeling ook gestimuleerd op vlak van het eigen kennen en kunnen. Het kind leert het eigen lichaam kennen en krijg een zelfbeeld. Het zelfbesef zorgt ervoor dat het kind in staat is om zijn eigen grenzen te leren kennen en daarmee om te gaan. Het kind weet wat het kan en wat niet en probeert het kunnen uit te breiden of legt er zich bij neer dat het nog te klein is voor bepaalde dingen. Het kind leert als het ware omgaan met frustraties. Verder leert het kind ook zaken plannen en organiseren. Het maakt vb. alles klaar voor het spel winkeltje. Het maakt afspraken over wat er te koop zal zijn en wat niet. Het leert beslissingen nemen en inzicht krijgen in het belang ervan. Het kind wordt steeds zelfstandiger in het denken en doen. Kinderen met autisme zijn erg beperkt in het spel waardoor ook de zelfontplooiing deels geremd zal worden. Het verwerken van negatieve of positieve ervaringen verloopt vaak moeilijk omdat ze niet over het vermogen beschikken om te spelen. Ze kunnen moeilijker dingen een plaats geven in hun persoonlijkheid. Ze leven meer in een eigen wereld en nemen de wereld rondom hen niet zo nauw waar. Ze willen alles constant houden en verleggen weinig grenzen. Ze kunnen zichzelf moeilijker stimuleren in het ontdekken van nieuwe dingen. Dit alles maakt het voor de kleuter met autisme heel wat moeilijker om te leven in onze wereld. Belangrijk aandachtspunt bij het spelen bij kinderen met autisme is dat het spelen in het MPIGO op een lager niveau plaatsvindt daar de kinderen met autisme heel wat problemen ondervinden op de verschillende vlakken. Vanwege deze reden wil ik het spelen ook tijdens het aanbrengen van rekenvoorwaarden gaan aanbrengen. Het is de bedoeling dat ze iets mee kunnen nemen naar huis (in gedachten) en dus gaan leren spelen. Praktijkgedeelte In het MPI Sterrebos Het MPI Sterrebos besteedt zeer veel aandacht aan een goede aanpak voor kinderen met autisme. Dit is echter niet zo vanzelfsprekend. Geen enkel kind met autisme is gelijk aan een ander. Er wordt voor elk kind een behandelingsplan opgesteld, afhankelijk van de behoeften van het kind. Structuur blijft doorheen alle schooljaren een belangrijk punt waar steeds opnieuw aan gewerkt wordt. Dit om de ontwikkelingskansen van elk kind maximaal te benutten. Er wordt steeds een evenwicht gezocht tussen hoofd-hart-handen zodat een realistisch beeld gevormd kan worden over de eigen mogelijkheden en om tot de aanvaardig van de eigen ik te komen. Dit gebeurt d.m.v. cognitieve, affectieve en psychomotorische vorming. Nog een belangrijk punt is de stimulering van de nieuwsgierigheid. Het MPI biedt de kinderen ruime activiteiten aan en beschikt over heel wat materiaal om nieuwsgierigheid uit te lokken. Dit kan leiden tot een betere ontwikkeling van de intellectuele mogelijkheden. De kleuters die moeilijkheden ervaren worden steeds individueel benaderd om deze in de mate van het mogelijke te verhelpen. Naast deze individuele benaderingen zorgt het MPI Sterrebos ook voor speelleerklassen: kleine structuurklassen die via spelen de kinderen iets bijbrengen. Goede leer- en werkattitudes (zoals vb. taakgerichtheid, afwerking, tempo, ) worden geà ¯ntegreerd als voorbereiding op een volgend leerjaar. Dit is ook nodig om de wiskundige aspecten te bevorderen. In de structuurklassen wordt er typologie-overkoepelend gewerkt. Deze aangepaste manier van onderwijs is nodig om te leren omgaan met de triade van communicatieproblemen, het sociaal anders zijn en problemen met verbeelding. Kinderen met autisme zijn vooral visuele denkers, vandaar dat het MPI zeer veel werkt met pictogrammen en andere visualisaties. Om de kinderen zo goed mogelijk te onderwijzen is de aanpak van het MPI gestoeld op het TEACCH-programma. Verschillende ontwikkelingstypes bij de kleuter met autisme Bij kleuters met autisme in het MPI komen vooral type 2 en type 4 voor. Kleuters van het type 2 kinderen zijn kinderen met een matige tot ernstige mentale retardatie. Ze hebben een IQ tussen 50 en 20. Kleuters van het type 4 zijn kleuters met motorische problemen, maar bij kinderen met autisme zijn die vaak psychomotorisch ten gevolge van hun autisme. Op de kleuterleeftijd kan nog geen type 1 vastgesteld worden, vandaar dat er enkel over type 2 gesproken wordt bij de kleuterleeftijd. Pas op latere leeftijd (lagere schoolkind) kan er meer gespecificeerd worden naar type 1 of type 2 na een intelligentietest. Deze typetoekenningen bij kleuters met autisme zijn vooral gebaseerd op die van het MPI Sterrebos en kunnen in vergelijking met andere scholen dus verschillen. 2 Voorstelling MPI Sterrebos Het Medisch Pedagogisch Instituut Sterrebos is buitengewoon basisonderwijs van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap voor kinderen van kleuter- en lagere schoolleeftijd. Deze onderwijsvorm is aangepast voor kinderen die zich niet kunnen handhaven in het gewoon onderwijs. In het MPI worden deze kinderen extra begeleid. Het MPI biedt onderwijs op kleuter- en lager onderwijsniveau, voor kinderen van 3 tot 13 jaar. Er wordt ondersteuning geboden voor type 1, 2, 4, 8 en voor kinderen met autismespectrumstoornissen. Op kleuterniveau kunnen we enkel de types 2 en 4 aanduiden en ASS. Er is een aangepast project voor kinderen met autisme: De Leeuwtjes waarin getracht wordt het kind individueel te begeleiden met de nodige structuur en veiligheid. Het MPI werkt hiervoor multidisciplinair. Het onderwijs wordt steeds aangepast aan de opvoedingsbehoeften van de kinderen. Daarnaast is er het geà ¯ntegreerd onderwijs waarbij sprake is van tijdelijke of blijvende (re)integratie van leerlingen van het BSO. Dit gebeurd op kleuter- en lager onderwijsniveau. Vanuit het MPIGO wordt er orthodidactische en paramedische begeleiding geboden. Binnen het MPIGO is er speciale aandacht voor de sociale vaardigheden (ik en de andere) en de metacognitieve aspecten (via spelend leren). Er zijn enkele belangrijke benaderingswijzen opgesteld voor kinderen met autisme. De eerste is het helpen bij het inzicht krijgen van de autismespectrumstoornis. Daarvoor wordt een werkmap gebruikt van Peter Vermeulen -> -> boek ik ben speciaal psycho-educatie, leren inzicht krijgen in autisme. Door Sherborne-activiteiten wordt de bewustwording van het eigen lichaam en de ruimte rondom in de hand gewerkt. Deze activiteiten worden gegeven door de kinesiste die zich bijschoolde.
Friday, January 17, 2020
Psychological learnings of movie ââ¬ÅReign Over meââ¬Â Essay
Abstracted The types of psychological illnesses that the characters have in the movie ââ¬Å" Reign Oââ¬â¢er Meâ⬠. Summary of the movie. Over view of Charlie Fineman and his symptoms that he displays. The symptoms that Alan Johnson shows, and the symptoms and characteristics that Donna Remar shows during this movie. What is PTSD, depression, bipolar, co-dependency, narcissistic disorders? What are the symptoms and treatments for these disorders? How does the actual song ââ¬Å"Love, Reign Oââ¬â¢er Meâ⬠link into this movie? Information about the song. My conclusion of the characters disorders and my thoughts of the movie. Keywords: PTSD, Post traumatic stress disorder, Depression, Co-dependency, Narcissistic disorder. Reign Oââ¬â¢er Me is a movie that shows Charlie Fineman (Adam Sandler) going through the challenges of what seems to be PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder), due to him losing his family in September 11, 2001 attack. Charlie is re-united with his former college roommate Alan Johnson (Don Cheadle) who tries to help Charlie with his problems all the while having marital problems himself. Which at first he fails, but in the end helps himself and Charlie. Alan is not the only one helping Charlie. The psychologist Angela (Liv Tyler) has sessions with Charlie to try to get him to open up, but does not have much success. She does however convince Charlie to tell his story to someone. Angela also helps Charlie when he gets committed to a hospital for a 3 day evaluation and then again in court. Donna who is seen struggling with her own problems is also helped by Angela through sessions. It also seems that she helps Charlie by supporting him in court and then again when she comes by his ne w apartment. During the first night of Alan being reunited with his former collegeà roommate Charlie, he notices that Charlie does not act normal. Charlie doesnââ¬â¢t remember Alan at first, but does take a liking to him soon. Itââ¬â¢s mentioned that Charlie likes Alan because he did not know Charlieââ¬â¢s family. Charlie takes Alan to a bar where he plays drums, after his drum playing scene Alan asks Charlie about his family; which infuriates Charlie. He becomes aggressive and throws root beer on Alan all the while accusing Alan that someone sent him there to talk to him. Alan feels that he and his wife are on top of each other, that he has no man hobbies. So when Charlie comes to his home the next night wanting him to go out, he jumps at the idea. Charlie repeadely tells Alan he has to take his shoes off when Alan comes to his house and he is repeatedly remodeling the kitchen. Charlie is always listening to music and especially on particular song called ââ¬Å"Reign Oââ¬â¢er Meâ⠬ . While watching the movie I concluded that Charlie did have PTSD and possibly depression. Alan would have what I think is a Co-dependency disorder. Donna Remar was in a 10 year marriage and 5 out of the 10 year marriage her husband cheated on her. She is now trying to pursue Alan for sexual relations at his dentist office. She is denied by Alan and turn she writes a letter stating that Alan tried to make sexual intentions to her and that she was going to file a law suit against the practice and him. She later apologizes for her behavior and tells Alan why she must have been acting the way she was due to her past relationship. Later she runs into Alan and Charlie at Angelaââ¬â¢s office. This is where I am guessing she takes an interest in Charlie. I would think that Donna is suffering from a Narcissistic disorder. What does the song Reign Oââ¬â¢ver Me mean and who is it by? The song sounds like the writer wrote it after losing a loved one, sad and depressing. The song lyrics ââ¬Å"Love, Reign oââ¬â¢er Meâ⬠concerns the main character of Quadrophenia, Jimmy, having a personal crisis. With nothing left to live for, he finds a spiritual redemption in pouring rain. As Townshend described the song: [It] refers to Meher Babaââ¬â¢s one time comment that rain was a blessing from God; that thunder was Godââ¬â¢s Voice. Itââ¬â¢s another plea to drown, only this time in the rain. Jimmy goes through a suicide crisis. Heà surrenders to the inevitable, and you know, you know, when itââ¬â¢s over and he goes back to town heââ¬â¢ll be going through the same shit, being in the same terrible family situation and so on, but heââ¬â¢s moved up a level. Heââ¬â¢s weak still, but thereââ¬â¢s a strength in that weakness. Heââ¬â¢s in danger of maturing (Townshend, 1972). I can see why Charlie sings this song over and over again in the court room. I can also see why the producer picked this particular song for the movie. This song has pain like the pain Charlie is feeling from losing his family. It also has the back history of the going hand in hand with the mental disorders in the movie. You can also see that Charlie singing and replaying the song over and over again, somewhere subconsciously he does remember his family. PTSD (Post traumatic stress disorder) to my knowledge is something that can happen to someone after a traumatic event such as war for soldiers and then again with mothers who have just given birth and I would say that would be due to the chemical changes in the body. The ââ¬Å"fight-or-flightâ⬠response is a healthy reaction meant to protect a person from harm. But in post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), this reaction is changed or damaged. People who have PTSD may feel stressed or frightened even when theyââ¬â¢re no longer in danger. PTSD develops after a terrifying ordeal that involved physical harm or the threat of physical harm. The person who develops PTSD may have been the one who was harmed, the harm may have happened to a loved one, or the person may have witnessed a harmful event that happened to loved ones or strangers. PTSD was first brought to public attention in relation to war veterans, but it can result from a variety of traumatic incidents, such as mugging, rape, torture, being kidnapped or held captive, child abuse, car accidents, train wrecks, plane crashes, bombings, or natural disasters such as floods or earthquakes. (NIH, n.d.) Is there treatment for PTSD? The answer is yes there is. There are two types of ways for treatment psychotherapy and/or medication. Various forms of psychotherapy are helpful in PTSD. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) helps a person learn behavioral techniques for relaxation and restructure patterns of thinking that foster anxiety. Exposure therapy involves systematically exposing someone to the memories and events associated with a trauma and reducing the fear response to these events, under the guidance of a trained therapist. EMDR (Eye Movementà Desensitization and Reprocessing) involves presenting the patient with various visual and tactile stimuli meant to release emotional experiences and free the mind of blockages. In addition, support groups help people with PTSD work through their feelings with others who have had similar experiences. The goal of therapy is to encourage the patient to recall all details of the event, express grief, complete the mourning process, and get on with life. For children, this may involve play therapy. Benzodiazepines, such as Valium, Xanax, and Ativan, are often useful for short-term, immediate relief of anxiety symptoms associated with PTSD. Long-term use of these medications is strongly discouraged. A class of antidepressants known as selective-serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), such as Celexa, Paxil, Prozac, Lexapro, and Zoloft, help modify levels of neurotransmitters (chemicals) that foster appropriate communication between nerve cells, and can improve PTSD. Research also suggests that other medications, such as beta-blockers and corticosteroids, may help diminish the likelihood for forming strong negative emotional memories when given soon after experiencing a highly traumatic event. The blood pressure medicine prazosin has also been shown in preliminary research studies to help alleviate nightmares associated with PTSD Anti-epileptic drugs with mood stabilizing properties, such as Depakote or Tegretol, may lessen mood swings and explosive anger. Anti-psychotic drugs may help people with PTSD who have persistent paranoia. (Goldberg, 2014) This disorder is to be said what Charlie is suffering from. Clinical Depression seems to be a common diagnoses in todayââ¬â¢s society. It seems like anytime you talk with someone about medical history or problems it always comes up that they have depression. Now there are many types of depression and it all depends on which one you have been diagnosed with to determine on how your behavior works with this diagnoses. I am classified as having depression and I am classified as to have bipolar. To me I feel that these are the same exact thing. My understanding behind bipolar is you have very wide mood swings from sad, happy, deeply depressed, angry, and aggravated. The depressive phase of bipolar disorder shares many similarities to regular depression, including prolonged sadness, inability to concentrate, loss of energy, difficulty sleeping, and thoughts ofà suicide. People with bipolar depression, however, tend to have more unpredictable mood swings, more irritability and guilt, and more feelings of restlessness. They also tend to move and speak slowly, sleep a lot and gain weight. According to, your depression might be bipolar disorder if: Youââ¬â¢ve experienced repeated episodes of major depression. You had your first episode of major depression before age 25. You have a first-degree relative with bipolar disorder. When youââ¬â¢re not depressed, your mood and energy levels are higher than most peopleââ¬â¢s. When youââ¬â¢re depressed, you oversleep and overeat. Your episodes of major depression are short (less than 3 months). Youââ¬â¢ve lost contact with reality while depressed. Youââ¬â¢ve had postpartum depression before. Youââ¬â¢ve developed mania or hypomania while taking an antidepressant. Your antidepressant stopped working after several months. Youââ¬â¢ve tried 3 or more antidepressants without success. (Staff, 2012) To my knowledge there are at least 2 ways of treatment for depression or bipolar and that is psychotherapy and medication. With myself being classified as both I have done both types of treatments. I have done both treatments with no involvement from the other and with both hand in hand; and I feel that doing both treatments together at the same time is the way to go. You have less episodes of both conditions. I would feel that Charlie is also clinically depressed as well is Alan possibly. What is a Co-dependency disorder? The term codependency has been around for almost four decades. Although it originally applied to spouses of alcoholics, first called co-alcoholics, researchers revealed that the characteristics of codependents were much more prevalent in the general population than had been imagined. In fact, they found that if you were raised in a dysfunctional family or had an ill parent, youââ¬â¢re likely codependent. Donââ¬â¢t feel bad if that includes you. Most American families are dysfunctional. Youââ¬â¢re in the majority! Researchers also found that codependent symptoms got worse if left untreated. The good news is that theyââ¬â¢re reversible. Following is a list of symptoms of codependents. You neednââ¬â¢t have them all to qualify as codependent (Lancer, 2012). Symptoms of codependency are low self-esteem, people pleasing, poor boundaries, reactivity, caretaking, control, dysfunctional communication, obsessions, dependency, denial, problems wi th intimacy, and painful emotions (Lancer,à 2012). Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental disorder in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance and a deep need for admiration. Those with narcissistic personality disorder believe that theyââ¬â¢re superior to others and have little regard for other peopleââ¬â¢s feelings. But behind this mask of ultra-confidence lies a fragile self-esteem, vulnerable to the slightest criticism. Narcissistic personality disorder is one of several types of personality disorders. Personality disorders are conditions in which people have traits that cause them to feel and behave in socially distressing ways, limiting their ability to function in relationships and in other areas of their life, such as work or school. Narcissistic personality disorder treatment is centered on psychotherapy. Narcissistic personality disorder is characterized by dramatic, emotional behavior, which is in the same category as antisocial and borderline personality disorders. Although some features of narcissistic personality disorder may seem like having confidence or strong self-esteem, itââ¬â¢s not the same. Narcissistic personality disorder crosses the border of healthy confidence and self-esteem into thinking so highly of yourself that you put yourself on a pedestal (Narcissistic Personality Disorder, 2011). After researching these disorders I see that Charlie does indeed suffer from PTSD and in my opinion is clinically depressed as well. I am doubting my earlier statement that Alan is co-dependent due to the research on the topic there. Still there is a part of me that wants to say he is co-dependent. His father and mother are seen in the beginning of the movie in separate rooms and seem to not get along with each other. Is this classified as a dysfunctional family? Alan canââ¬â¢t tell his wife that he wants space for himself and feels suffocated by their relationship, he uses Charlieââ¬â¢s freedom and condition to get him out of the house and away from his wife. To me he does have a Co-dependency disorder. My research on narcissistic personality disorder has really made me think that this is what is wrong with Donna. She has a high confidence when asking Alan if he wants a sexual favor from her. When she is denied and is told that she will not be seen by him or any other dentist there you can then see the fragile self-esteemà rising in her. Although I looks like Angela helped Donna out by talking to her in there sessions as well as helping Alan on the sidewalk and Charlie in their brief short sessions. In my opinion Alan did not just help Charlie with his problems and by being a friend but he helped Donna out by rejecting her then allowing her to come back which gave her the opportunity to admit she had a problem and to apologize. In retrospect I think Donna helped Charlie by supporting him and not trying to judging him. Yes I think it also has to do that she would remind him of his wife as well. Charlie helped her in the same fashion as just letting her be there and not asking for nothing. Charlie also helped Alan without even knowing he did. He got Alan out of his house and gave him some freedom, time away from his wife. In the end Alan admits to his wife he hasnââ¬â¢ t been open with her and apologizes and Charlie admits to his in-laws that he does remember his family but itââ¬â¢s hard for him. There is hope at the end of this movie for all. I enjoyed getting to watch this movie in class. I think it is a great insight on how peopleââ¬â¢s behaviors are they have suffered a great loss and when they have a psychological disorder. I would absolutely recommend this movie to a friend/ family member to not just watch due to it being a great movie but for a little knowledge when dealing with a loved one in these situations. References Townshend, P. (1973, October 23). Love, Reign oââ¬â¢er Me. Wikipedia. Retrieved June 17, 2014, from,_Reign_oââ¬â¢er_Me#Lyrics Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). (n.d.). NIMH RSS. Retrieved June 17, 2014, from Understanding Posttraumatic Stress Disorder ââ¬â Diagnosis and Treatment. (n.d.).WebMD. Retrieved June 17, 2014, from r-treatment Bipolar Disorder vs. Depression: How to Tell the Difference. (n.d.). Casa Palmera. Retrieved June 17, 2014, from à » Symptoms of Codependency ââ¬â Psych Central. (n.d.). Psych Retrieved June 17, 2014, from Narcissistic personality disorder. (n.d.). Definition. Retrieved June 17, 2014, from
Thursday, January 9, 2020
New Methods Of Managing And Communication - 2964 Words
Introduction Things change. New products are invented. New markets are created. New jobs are shaped. New methods of managing and communication are established and there are new norms, values, and regulations. But then again, old products disappeared, old jobs died out, old markets vanished, and many other old things are gone nowadays. This is because of creative destruction, a term coined by Joseph Schumpeter (1942). It refers to the transformation of industry practices. However, transformation is not as easy as it may seem. There are many aspects that make such transformation very difficult to achieve. Uncertainty for the future for example, entrepreneurs might be hold back because the future state is unknown. Furthermore, there is inertia that lies in the psyche, which means that humans tend to resist things that are different and there is the fear of social sanctioning. Additionally, markets need to be ready for a change, ideas need to be legitimized and external developments play a significant role in realizing creative destruction as well. Entrepreneurs need to understand how to see beyond these barriers in order to create the foundation for radical change. In this essay all processes of creative destruction will be discussed and within every process the difficulties of transformation will be explained. Relevant examples, such as Jon Bannenbergââ¬â¢s new superyacht design, will be used to underline the explanations. First, the term creative destruction will beShow MoreRelatedBusiness Field : Business And Managing Your Own Company1340 Words à |à 6 Pagestechniques they have learned in their past experience. If a person were to go into the business field, they should be the manager of their own company because you will learn about financing your business, expanding your business and managing your employees. The first goal in managing your own business is financing your business. The financial aspect of running your own business is very significant because it is the component of a companyââ¬â¢s operations. As the head of their organization, entrepreneurs shouldRead MoreManaging Up An Integrated System Of Management1366 Words à |à 6 Pagesand team members. Though every project will have different amount of the respective roles listed above, one thing that has gained a lot of traction in the recent years and is still a relatively new focus point is the relationship between the manager and the employee more specifically, managing up. Managing up has an impact on organizational output. In order for this to be successful the principles must be understood and applied as an integrated system of management. Traditional management has a lotRead MoreLeadership Control Mechanism1485 Words à |à 6 Pagescontrol method to use as much as it is situational when to use each type. Creating and maintaining a positive work environment is about providing employees with a workplace that is supportive, encouraging and treating people with respect and dignity. Having control and a positive work environment are not necessarily competing forces in fact some control methods can help facilitate a positive work environment. Strong working relationships or people skills, delegation and effective communication areRead MoreMCKI Assignment1508 Words à |à 7 PagesAssessment Assignment Assignment front sheet Qualification Unit number and title Pearson BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Creative Media Production Unit 16: MANAGING COMMUNICATIONS KNOWLEDGE INFORMATION Student name Assessor name FESTUS EDOBOR Date issued Completion date Submitted on 05/11/2014 Assignment title Assignment: MANAGING COMMUNICATIONS KNOWLEDGE INFORMATION I certify that the work submitted for this assignment is my own and research sources are fully acknowledged. Student signature:Read MoreTrusty Homes And Crash, Bang And Wallop Merger995 Words à |à 4 Pagesto progress to new departments and to develop new skills through training, as well as to utilise existing skills in new roles. There will also be opportunities for promotion and development within the newly formed organisation. Exciting times lay ahead for Trusty Homes CBW and the following information about managing change and how the organisation will manage the different factors of change is outlined below. Methods of Managing Change There are many different methods of managing change withinRead MoreInterpersonal Communication Theories And Concepts1686 Words à |à 7 PagesQuestion have you ever thought about the different Interpersonal Communication theories/concepts we use on a daily basis, I have thought about it long and hard to figure out how many different communication theories in our life we use or even in a favorite movie we love to watch. In this essay I will be writing an analysis paper on the movie ââ¬Å"The Notebook its about a young man named Noah Calhoun from South Carolina he met a rich girl named Allie they fell desperately in love, but her parents donRead MoreThe Agile Software Development Methods904 Words à |à 4 Pagesconcepts, which make the project less predictable. Because of these entire unpredictable project, agile becomes the first choice of most of the clients. The agile software development methods are more adaptive approach, while conventional/traditional software development meth ods are predictive approach. In traditional method all the project development plan is created before starting the actual development. Once the designing is completed we canââ¬â¢t make changes. On the other hand an agile methodology hasRead MoreManaging Business Relationship1207 Words à |à 5 PagesIntroduction Communication underlies the effectiveness of coordinating exchange activities, developing strong relationships, which results in improved performance Without effective inter-organizational communications, learning among workmates is diminished and the long-run effectiveness of the relationship may be damaged. Communication presupposes that there is a particular cultural framework that allows translation of the meaning embedded within communication by the recipient to maintain theRead MorePublic Relations Between Marketing And Marketing862 Words à |à 4 PagesPublic Relations and Marketing two forms of advertising communication almost synonymous with each other and both integral parts of a company, Marketing which is the process of increasing public recognition of a service, person or product, while Marketing and PR are promotion methods that fall under the ââ¬Ëadvertisingââ¬â¢ umbrella label. Marketing is responsible for planning the companyââ¬â¢s promotion, all the way f rom identifying a productââ¬â¢s target consumer, then promotion usually through television, radioRead MoreOrganizational Management Essay973 Words à |à 4 Pagesclear vision of obtaining the organizational goals. Boeing took a dramatic turn after a manufacturing crisis which required immediate change in all the areas that the 7-S model represents in Figure 5.2 on (p. 125); for instance * Structure ââ¬â new CEO * Overall strategy ââ¬â production and operation changes * Systems ââ¬â updated technologies * Style- the vendor supplier relationships need to be revamped * Staff- at all levels, especially surround the acquisition of McDonnell Douglas
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
The Maryland Second Chance Act - 1163 Words
To: Stephen Moyer, Secretary ââ¬â Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services; Power Inside; Alvin Gillard, Executive Director ââ¬â State of Maryland Commission on Civil Rights; Meg Ward, Executive Director ââ¬â Patrick Allison House From: Rachel Harman, Social Work Intern Date: February 15, 2017 Subject: Hereââ¬â¢s to Second Chances: Extend the Maryland Second Chance Act to Housing, Not Just Employment The 2015 Maryland Second Chance Act: ââ¬Å"For Employers Onlyâ⬠The Maryland Second Chance Act is a relatively new piece of legislation that authorizes persons to petition the courts to ââ¬Å"shieldâ⬠conviction records for nonviolent misdemeanors (possession of a controlled substance, prostitution, disorderly conduct, disturbing the peace, etc.) fromâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦In Maryland, public assistance programs as well as housing programs are able to deny assistance to individuals with incarceration histories or convictions on their records. ââ¬Å"The Corporation for Supportive Housing estimates that 10 to 12 percent of former inmates are homeless. Other studies put the count at between 15 and 27 percentâ⬠(Law). With such a large percentage of inmates being released to the streets, it is no wonder that rates of recidivism are so high. Marylanders need to push for the Second Chance Act to apply to housing, and not solely to employment opportunities. Who is impacted? After a three-to-five year waiting period, the Maryland Second Chance Act shields conviction records of individuals with nonviolent misdemeanors. The crimes that are shielded as written in the bill are as follows: (1)DISORDERLY CONDUCT (2) DISTURBING THE PEACE (3) FAILURE TO OBEY A REASONABLE AND LAWFUL ORDER (4) MALICIOUS DESTRUCTION OF PROPERTY IN THE LESSER DEGREE [under $500 damage] (5) TRESPASS ON POSTED PROPERTY (6) POSSESSING OR ADMINISTERING A CONTROLLED DANGEROUS SUBSTANCE (7) POSSESSING OR ADMINISTERING A NONCONTROLLED SUBSTANCE (8) USE OF OR POSSESSION WITH INTENT TO USE DRUG PARAPHERNALIA (9) DRIVING WITHOUT A LICENSE (10) DRIVING WHILE PRIVILEGE IS CANCELED, SUSPENDED, REFUSED, OR REVOKED (11) DRIVING WHILE UNINSURED UNDER (12) A PROSTITUTION OFFENSE IF THE CONVICTION IS FOR PROSTITUTION AND NOT ASSIGNATION. Depending on the crime,Show MoreRelatedThe Bank Of United States910 Words à |à 4 PagesThe Bank of United States has a profound history indeed. The bank was established in 1791 to act as a storae place for federal funds as well as the governmentââ¬â¢s monetary agent. This bank was initially proposed by Alexander Hamilton and was granted a twenty-year charter by Congress. This would not go over very well with the Jeffersonians due to the fact they believed the bank represented dominance of mercantile over agrarian interest and unconstitutional use of federal power. (footnote) The firstRead MoreHow Bladensburg Is A Small Town Within Prince George s County1613 Words à |à 7 PagesBladensburg is a small town within Prince Georgeââ¬â¢s County, Maryland. Though only 1.1 miles in size , Bladensburg is able to boast a rich history due to its placement along the Anacostia River and its proximity to Washington D.C. The name of Bladensburg comes from Thomas Bladen a ââ¬Å"resi dent of Prince Georges Countyâ⬠and Marylandââ¬â¢s provincial governor from1742 to1747. Bladen was the first provincial governor of Maryland to be born in Maryland, but the land that made up the town before 1742 had a differentRead MoreThe United States Faces Excessive Mass Incarceration1618 Words à |à 7 Pagesincarceration. We have the largest prison population in the world and the second highest incarceration rate per-capita (1 in 100 citizens is behind bars). While you are certainly familiar with these statistics, I would like to emphasize that using incarceration as the primary response to social problems, as is happening today in the United States, impacts the incarcerated, their families and neighborhoods, as well as costing Maryland taxpayers millions of dollars annually. We must enact policies thatRead MoreEssay on Voter Id Laws722 Words à |à 3 Pagesalcohol and cigarettes, taking the SATs/ACTs, ââ¬Å"Râ⬠rated movie tickets, obtaining a library card, any sort of loans/financing...Wait a second, what those who oppose voter ID laws are telling us is that minorities and the elderly cannot ride an airplane or purchase alcohol? And those who want fair elections are racist? Hmm. A study done by the Center for Democracy Election Management at American University concluded in a survey of 2,000 registered voters in Maryland, Mississippi, and Indiana that lessRead MoreThe Freedom And Freedom Of The United States Of America1603 Words à |à 7 Pagescitizen s right to bear arms. This right must be protected and preserved for the sake of the people of America and the country itself. U.S. citizens should be allowed to bear arms because they are an incredibly useful tool for self-defense, the second amendment protects the right to bear arms, and they are an absolute necessity for hunters. The most important, most fundamental reason for an American citizen to own a lethal fire arm, is conclusively for the sake of self-defense. It has been shownRead MoreArgumentative Essay On Beauty Pageants780 Words à |à 4 Pages710,000 results appearing in 1.18 seconds. Children are the fastest-growing segment of the beauty pageant market, with annual childrens competitions attracting an estimated 3 million children, mostly girls, ages six months to 16 years, who compete for crowns and cash. Infants, carried onto the stage by their mothers, are commonplace. April Brilliant, reigning Mrs. Maryland and the director of Maryland-based Mystic Pageants, says pageants give little girls a chance to play Cinderella. However, playingRead MoreThe Ultimate Effect Of Gun Control994 Words à |à 4 Pagesby a firearm that was legally purchased and obtained by the shooter. The Second Amendment says, ââ¬Å"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of t he people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.â⬠But, when an individual takes a semiautomatic rifle to a school slaying innocent people, tension begins to form on why ordinary law abiding citizens should be stripped of their Second Amendment rights. The argument that guns do not kill people, people killRead MoreSchool Uniforms And Its Effects On People And Their Behavior1537 Words à |à 7 Pagesevery single day of their lives. Sometimes, it allows people to express themselves and show the outside world who they genuinely are but other times it allows people to become a completely different person if it is used as a costume for an event or to act on stage in a play or musical. Clothing has a larger impact on people and their behavior than most people would like to consider. What students choose to wear to school every single day impacts their lives more than most realize for example, in schoolRead More Early Jewish Migration to Maryland2104 Words à |à 9 PagesWaves of Jewish Migration to Maryland Introduction: The state of Maryland is current home to over 235,000 self-identified Jewish residents, making up over 4% of the total state population (JDB, 159). Today, Jewish Marylanders live in an open, welcoming environment, but this was not always the case. When the first Jewish settlers landed in St. Maryââ¬â¢s City, political equality was only a hope for the distant future. The first wave of Jewish migration to Maryland was marked by a trend of percolationRead MoreThe Issue Of Gun Laws870 Words à |à 4 Pagesof gun laws going to affect the law-abiding citizen, or the criminal? Is it ok of the government to strip away the peopleââ¬â¢s Constitutional rights? There are two different sides to every debate. Reasons not to confine gun laws even more would be the second Amendment Right to bear arms, the effect on law-abiding citizens vs. the effect on the criminal, and has it been effective thus far. With all of the gun violence that is taking place, it is not hard to see where one may feel that restricting gun
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